myAQUA® is a free application for smartphones that allows the Customer to check and manage their contract data, send in readings in accordance with their preferences, check water bills obtain payment references and pay by MBWay and much more. It allows the Customer to access more than one contract, allowing information relating to several supply locations to be checked and managed in a simple, convenient way and with a single access code.
This application is available for Android phones (version 7.0 or higher) and iPhones (version iOS 9.0 or higher).

How to sign up | Just go to your mobile phone’s app store and install myAQUA®
To enter the application it is necessary to register with the following data:
• Entity Code
• Tax number
• Email to which the log-in details will be sent
If you are already registered with the EPALnet service, you can enter myAQUA using the same access codes.
myAQUA can also already use, allowing access to the application through the Digital Mobile Key. If the customer’s smartphone version allows it, they can also login by faceID or fingerprint.
What can it do
Contract management - Alter/update contract data (contacts, Tax number, no. of residents)
- Check the request history
Meter reading - Send in readings, with on-line validation
- Check the date of the last reading made by the Company and by the Customer
- Receive alerts about sending in the reading, with it being possible to customise the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly)
Interruptions in the supply of water - Advice of interruptions in the supply that affect the Customer’s supply location, with the estimated time of the restoration of the supply
Billing - Check if there are bills outstanding (bills and credit notes)
- See all your previous bills, paid or outstanding
- Obtain Multibanco (MB) payment references, request new ones, if the existing ones are not valid, or even make payments via MBWay
- Sign up to a SEPA Direct Debit
- Sign up to the e-Water Bill, with bills being sent by email and download and save the document as a pdf.
Sustainable Services
- Sign up to/access waterbeep®, the service that allows the Customer to track their water consumption
Reporting Faults - Report problems related to water quality, water pressure, water leaks, interruptions in the water supply, bursts in the street, among others
News .
- Find out about EPAL's new procedures, campaigns and latest innovations
- Give your consent to receiving information about new procedures, products and updates to the technological solutions available
And also
• Online bookings of face-to-face appointments
• Apply for special water tariffs such as the social tariff and the family tariff