Conteudo Principal
essential guide services
e-Water Bill

Now you can receive your Water Bill by email. See how you can sign up!

How do I sign up?

To sign up for this service just go to EPALnet (if you have registered, and if not you can just register) and activate the service, indicating an email to which the Water Bill can be sent.

If you prefer you can also ask for the application form to be sent to your home address through EPAL site or the Customer Help Desk, fill in the form and return it by post to EPAL (no stamp required).

Conditions for joining
  • The document sent by email is certified and replaces the paper document and may be used for fiscal purposes. It will be valid as a receipt after due payment
  • When you sign up for this service you will automatically stop receiving the Water Bill via the Postal Services (CTT)
  • If you wish to pay via the CTT or Payshop you will need to print the document
  • EPAL cannot be held responsible for any errors in the reception of the message due to problems in your electronic mailbox
  • If the email containing the Water Bill is returned, you can enter EPALnet (if you have registered, and if not you can register at any time) to consult/view/print a copy of the document and check the amounts invoiced and the payment references
  • You can cancel the sending of the Water Bill by email at any time by using the “Cancellation” button in EPALnet. You will than once again receive a paper version of your water bill through the post


  • e-Fast | Receive your  Water Bill at the usual times when it is issued by EPAL
  • e-Comfort | You can consult your Water Bill at any time and from anywhere
  • e-Safe | The document sent by email is certified and will be valid as a receipt after due payment
  • e-Practical | You can organise and file your water bills digitally without using paper
  • e-Friend of the Environment | Reduces the use of paper contributing for a better environment for all

SMS Alert

By signing up to this service, whenever EPAL sends you your water bill by email, you will receive an SMS with the indication of the document no. and the respective amount, and, as necessary, the references for payment in an ATM.

If the email is returned, EPAL will also send an SMS stating that this was returned and informing you that you can view a copy of the document at EPALnet.

You can sign up for the SMS Alert service at EPALnet when you activate the e-Water Bill service, or at EPAL’s site using the activation form.

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