To the purest and most transparent water was added the purest and most transparent glass.
EPAL and Atlantis created the PURA Jug, whose name we associate with crystal clear, with the importance of transparency, of trust, as opposed to opaque, dark and shadowy.
PURA is completely handmade and truly unique and original. Like water and its droplets, no two jars are alike, reinforcing the unique character of each piece.
Due to the way it is made, without the use of moulds, it is a work of art that can only emanate from the hands of true and talented artisans with a vast experience in the art of glass working.
The best professionals are behind the water we serve you, making it worthy of your trust.
Like water, glass has the characteristic of not hiding, of exposing itself, of showing itself and of revealing itself, allowing light to pass through it, not hiding what is behind it.
PURE like our Water
PURE for your Water
Price | 60 euros

Where to buy it
• Water Museum EPAL, Rua do Alviela, 12
• Mãe d’Água das Amoreiras, reservoir, Praça das Amoreiras, 10
• Aguas Livres Aqueduct, Calçada da Quintinha, 6
• EPAL Shops - Head Office building and One Stop Shop (Laranjeiras)
• Casal Mistério Shop