"Tap Water Bottle" Campaign

With the goal of providing greener and less wasteful choices, EPAL offers congress organisers, such as congress centres and hotels in the city of Lisbon, a new bottle of timeless design, easy to hold and with a lid, to encourage the consumption of water from the public network at their events.
Opting for water from the network demonstrates the trust of entities and consumers in the city's infrastructures and represents a commitment to excellent quality solutions that are more accessible, environmentally sustainable and have universal access, allowing us to spread the message of Lisbon’s water quality across borders to all who visit us.
Centro Cultural de Belém (Belem Cultural Centre) was the first entity to sign up, making tap water available in its Conference Rooms.
The partnership was signed with the first entities that wanted to hold a congress using water from the network - the Board of Administration for Schools and the Education Board - which, on 22 March - World Water Day, promoted the start of the “8th OECD International Summit about the Teaching Profession”.
Other entities have already joined this initiative, providing users of their rooms with water of unequivocal quality, as ours is!
EPAL partners | Centro Cultural de Belém (Belem Cultural Centre), Fundação Cidade Lisboa (City of Lisbon Foundation), Conselho Superior da Magistratura (Superior Council of the Judiciary), Hotel Neya Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), Fundação Champalimaud (Champalimaud Foundation), IST – Instituto Superior Técnico DEI, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (School of Communication and Media Studies), ISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Economics and Management), Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Hotel and Tourism), Restaurante Cinco (Restaurant 5) Escola de Hotelaria de Portalegre, AESE Business School, Lusófona University, Centro de Estudos Judiciários (National Criminal Studies Centre), Restaurante da Associação 25 de Abril (Restaurant 25 Abril), Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Divisão de Organização de Eventos e Protocolo (Lisbon City Council - Events and Protocol Division), ESTeSL - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (Lisbon School of Health Technology), ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, ISA - Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Institute of Agriculture University of Lisbon), Zomato – Restaurants, Faculdade Belas Artes (Lisbon Faculty of Fine Arts), IUM - Instituto Universitário Militar (Military University Institute), UNL - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Reitoria) (Nova University, Lisbon (Dean's Office)), UNL - ENSP - Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (National School of Public Health), UNL - NOVA School of Law.
EPAL presents, annually, different campaigns to promote tap water quality.

EPAL has been implementing campaigns to encourage the consumption of tap water with high-profile events, positioned in close proximity to consumers in the different segments.
Lisbon’s water network reaches levels of excellence and is a beacon of the quality of infrastructures in a city that wants to be sustainable and looking to the future.
The focus on tap water takes place through its presence with consumers and in their daily routines.
Water from the network is an integral part of consumers’ daily lives in their homes, offices and leisure activities, always remembered as something that is part of our lives, following the cycle of life.
The design of a reusable PET bottle, named “Fill Forever”, accompanied by publicity on billboards with advertising campaigns about its numerous uses: on transport, at mealtimes, at work, in the gym, walking, leisure time and outdoors, is a very successful approach, reminding consumers to choose tap water.
Other way of reminding consumers of the advantages of drinking tap is the availability of water by water distributers in the street on days celebrating water and the environment, with the supply of chilled water in the summer, focusing the importance of hydration, with the addition of lemon and mint, and the supply of hot water in the winter, with a tea or comforting cappuccino, to the great surprise and satisfaction of everyone.

In the corporate sector, EPAL implemented an approach in which it sets a challenge to public and private entities of drinking only tap water in their premises’ communal areas, such as meeting and coffee break rooms, canteens and dining rooms, supplying glass jugs of “EPAL Water”, with around 100 entities accepting this challenge since its launching.
In the hotel and tourism sector, in July 2017 we

launched the Lisbon Soul Bottle with the signature of one of the most prestigious, world-famous architects, Álvaro Siza Vieira, winner of a Pritzker. This piece of glass is sold in the Water Museum, in city hotels and at Fairs, it being a prestigious vehicle for raising the consumption of tap water to its level of excellence.
More recently, EPAL the company launch another bottle “Lisbon Tap Water Bottle” destinated to venues, in the city of Lisbon, that organize congresses and encounters at a professional or academic level, both national and international, trying to share with the audiences that Lisbon has high level tap water, safe and reliable.

We found there was enormous satisfaction with these initiatives in our target audience. The street events arouse big smiles. The Jugs and the Carafes are being used more and more, the Fill Forever bottles are in demand for Fairs, Seminars and other Events, and now the same is happening with Lisbon Soul. The robustness of the results is backed-up by the Customer Satisfaction Study which notes that the volume of customers who drink tap water increased this year from 85.2% to 87.1%, a result never before achieved.
The actions of disseminating the excellence of tap water and of encouraging its consumption are aimed at influencing the consumption choices of market participants – domestic consumers, companies, tourists and hotels – who we challenge to be environmentally responsible.
We believe that the implementation of these initiatives can mobilise consumers towards the regular option of tap water. It is a trend we see in the great world cities (New York, Paris, London, for example) and we want to follow them with choices that are environmentally more positive, more economical for consumers’ pockets and which contribute to a greener city.
Campaign Worl Water Day Drink EPAL’s water… it’s reliable!
EPAL launches a campaign to encourage the use of tap water.
As an entity responsible for the collection, treatment and distribution of water, EPAL encourages the use of tap water for drinking, promoting its quality, reliability, accessibility and environmental sustainability.
The quality of EPAL’s water is guaranteed by the quality of the sources, by the treatment processes and by the quality control carried out throughout the supply system right up to the Customer’s tap.
EPAL’s water is treated water, of excellent quality, subject to more than a thousand analyses per day, complying with national and European legal requirements (Decree-Law no. 306/2007).
The awareness campaign is based on a young and informal figure holding a glass of crystal clear water, intending to portray, quite naturally, this gesture which is so common in our everyday lives.
The touch of informality is also intended to convey well-being with the consumption of this liquid which is precious and essential to life.
EPAL’s water is an ecological option because it removes the need for packaging, it is economical because it is cheaper and it is accessible because it is available at any tap near you.
This campaign is supported by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (Lisbon City Council), displayed on mupis in the city of Lisbon and in the Cultural Agenda.
Campaign National Water Day Drink EPAL’s water... it’s economical!
EPAL marked the commemorations of the 1st of October – National Day of Water with a campaign to encourage the consumption of tap water, treated water of excellent quality which achieves, in quality control, 99.9% compliance with national and European legal requirements (Decree-Law no. 306/2007 of the 27th of August).
With the theme “Drink EPAL’s water … it’s economical!”, the campaign aims to emphasise the cheaper price of tap water, a product of excellent quality subject to thousands of analyses per day, accessible at any tap in your house, 365 days a year.
The message “it’s economical!” focuses on the low price of our water and to better reflect this idea, the lowest unit of currency that we use – 1 cent – was chosen to represent the number of litres of water that it is possible to obtain: 6 litres!
For this calculation, the volume and the total value billed to Domestic Customers in 2010, including all the items in the bill (Water Charges, Third Party Charges, Extras, Waste Water, Water Extraction Tax and VAT), inseparable from the supply of water, were considered, thereby reflecting the real cost of water for a domestic consumer.
The design of the communication media is based on the representative units concerned – the cent, the litre and the glass of water, with the objective of better illustrating these units.
This campaign, with a strong informative and educational component, is intended to address the issues highlighted by Customers in the Customer Satisfaction Studies carried out in recent years, the “price of water” being one of the more important aspects and one which has the greatest need for detailed information by Customers.