Laboratory for the Analysis of Water for Human Consumption

The Lisbon Laboratory has been accredited in accordance with standard NP EN ISO/IEC 17025, with
Certificate No. L0242 (
Technical Annex L0242-1) since 1999, to analyse 171 parameters/species, including the collection of samples. The laboratory conducts the analytical control of the quality of the water collected, treated, put into the network and distributed throughout the whole company system right up to the customer’s faucet.
The Vale da Pedra Laboratory was accredited in 2008 in accordance with standard NP EN ISO/IEC 17025, with the support of incentives granted under the PRIME programme. It holds Certificate No. L0242 (
Technical Annex L0242-2), for 19 parameters, 13 of which in the physical-chemical area and 6 in the microbiology area. The laboratory conducts the analytical control of water collected from the river Tagus, treated in the Vale da Pedra Water Treatment Plant and introduced into the company’s system, as well as that for the waters collected and introduced in the network in the Vila Franca de Xira area.
For further information on the accreditation of the laboratories for EPAL water testing, please
click here »
Water Meter Laboratories
The Water Meter Laboratory was accredited on 07 July 1994 by the IPQ (Portuguese Quality Institute), in accordance with standard NP EN ISO 45001, to carry out tests on the water meters. It is currently accredited by IPAC, in accordance with standard NP EN ISO/IEC 17025, as a Calibration Laboratory (
Accreditation Certificate No. M0022 and Technical Annex No. M0022-1) and Test Laboratory (
Accreditation Certificate No. L0407 and Technical Accreditation Annex No. L0407-1) for mechanical and non-mechanical clean cold-water meters.
Since October 1994, the Water Meter Laboratory has been recognised by the IPQ as a Metrological Verification Body for Water Meters, allowing it to act as a third-party laboratory in performing the first verification operations after repair and periodic verification of cold drinking water meters installed in the public service network (IPQ Order No. 144/2023, of 04 January 2023), and EPAL is authorised to place its own trademark, as well as the symbol of the applicable metrological control operation, on the seals of the measuring instruments covered by the Regulation approved by Order 321/2019, of 19 September 2019.