Both testing laboratories for the Water Quality Control Department have the credentials for testing natural water, water for human consumption, swimming pool water, and processed water within the Microbiology and Biology, Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry fields.
Microbiology and Biology, the microbiological parameters, organoleptic parameters, and biological parameters are tested based on the following analytical techniques:
- Classic cultural microbiology methods | No. of 37º C and 22º C clusters, Coliform bacteria, E. coli, Faecal coliform, Enterococos, Clostridium perfringens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sulphite-reducing anaerobes, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Klebsiella spp., Legionella spp. and L. pneumophila, Fungi, Yeast, and total of fungi and yeast, Coagulase-positive staphylococci, Coagulase-negative staphylococci, and Total staphylococci
- PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) molecular biology | Determining pathogenic micro-organisms, which include Aeromonas hydrophila, thermotolerant Campylobacter, Mycobacterium spp., Legionella spp. and L. pneumophila
- Research of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. protozoa by means of filtering, immunomagnetic separation, and immunofluorescence testing by looking through the epifluorescence microscope
- Identifying and quantifying the phytoplankton and determining the phytoplanktonic biovolume by means of an inverted microscope
- Determining Microcystins using the ELISA Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
- Determining the water ATP by means of Bioluminescence
- Determining the AOC (assimilable organic carbon) with a biotest
- Determining the Clouding by means of nephelometry
- Determining the Smell and Flavour of water samples through successive dilutions
- Determining the Colour, Free chlorine, Chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments through molecular absorption spectrophotometry
Inorganic Chemistry, there are analytical techniques for determining metals through inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, and atomic absorption spectrometry (graphite furnace, hydride generation, and cold steam).
The following analytical techniques are also noteworthy: molecular absorption spectrometry in a segmented continuous flow, ion chromatography, as well as a large number of classic chemistry analytical techniques, such as acid-base titration, oxidation-reduction titration, complexometry, and gravimetric methods, among others.
Organic Chemistry, there are analytical methodologies for determining organic compounds like disinfection by-products - Trihalomethanes, Chlorophenol, and Haloacethic Acids -, Pesticides, PCB, Bisphenol A, Volatile Organic Compounds, Acrylamide, PAH, Dissolved Hydrocarbons, Oil and Fat, Microcystins, Hormones, and Pharmaceutical Compounds.
The following analytical techniques are also noteworthy: gas chromatographic analysis, liquid chromatographic analysis, and highly efficient liquid chromatographic analysis of different types of conventional detectors (Electron Capture, Flame-Ionisation, Diode and Fluorescence Detector) and mass spectrometry with different types of analysis (quadrupole, triple quadrupole, ion-trap, and time of flight). Samples are mainly prepared by means of liquid-liquid extraction, solid phase extraction, solid phase microextraction, and purge and trap.