was again the protagonist of another '
Green Minute' by Quercus integrated in '
Bom Dia Portugal' program.
From June 30 to July 2 the Academy received graduates for an action dedicated to asset management, taught by trainers from AdP Group companies and LNEC.
Trainees are also part of various companies of AdP Group as 'Águas do Algarve', 'Águas do Centro', 'Águas do Centro Alentejo', 'Águas do Norte Alentejano', 'Águas do Oeste', 'Águas do Zêzere e Côa', EPAL, SANEST, SIMARSUL and SIMTEJO.
'Management of Capital Assets II' action will take place between 7 and 9 July in the ETA in Lever, Águas do Douro and Paiva.